Hair Restoration in Columbus

Hair Restoration & Hair Removal

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Hair Restoration at a Glance
  • Consultation Required?


  • Initial Results Seen In:

    3 to 5 treatments

  • Duration of Results:

    Years with maintenance

  • Downtime:


  • What It Treats:

    • Lack of hair growth on the scalp, brows, and lashes
    • Excessive or unwanted hair all over the body

Get the Look & Feel You Want

At Polaris Vein & Aesthetics, we know that hair can have a big impact on your confidence. Whether you have more body hair than you’d like, or if you’re experiencing hair thinning with age, knowing what options are available for you is important. That’s why we offer both laser hair removal and hair restoration in Columbus. No matter your goals, we can provide a treatment that will help you unlock the confidence you deserve.

Benefits of Hair Services

Boosts Confidence

By promoting natural hair growth where you want it and getting rid of the hair where you don’t want it, you’ll feel more confident and beautiful.

Customized Treatments

We’ll work with you to create a treatment plan that reflects your goals. We can use laser hair removal on most areas of the body, or we can provide customized hair restoration in Colombus.

No Pain, All the Gain

Our hair procedures are minimally invasive and require little to no downtime, allowing for a quick return to daily activities.

Plan Your Treatment

Check out our one-of-a-kind Treatment Planning Tool to design a suitable plan that works best for you.

Treatment Planning Tool

  • Hair Restoration Polaris Vein & Aesthetics

How Hair Restoration Works

At Polaris Vein & Aesthetics, we use a specialized microneedling treatment for hair restoration in Colombus. With this device, we’re able to target your hair follicles directly using micro-wounds that induce your body’s natural healing response, helping rejuvenate the skin on your scalp. By healing the skin on your scalp, microneedling also restores the health of your hair follicles, leading to new hair growth.

    What to Expect

    • Step 1: Consultation

      You’ll start off in a consultation with one of our providers. We’ll talk about your goals, your relevant medical history, and any questions you have about the process. Of course, the process will look different depending on if you’re looking to restore your hair or remove it.

    • Step 2: Treatment

      Both laser hair removal and hair restoration take a series of treatments to see optimal results. We’ll work with you to create a timeline that works for your schedule and produces the results you want.

    • Step 3: Results

      Both of our hair treatments can significantly enhance your overall appearance and boost your confidence. Hair restoration generally takes time to present its results, as the new hair must grow in to see a difference.

    About Polaris Vein & Aesthetics

    Dr. Amanda Cooper, MD, a board-certified pioneer in vascular and aesthetic medicine, founded Polaris Vein & Aesthetics to deliver exceptional outcomes for patients. Her journey began with residencies at Dartmouth and a prestigious Harvard fellowship, where she refined her skills under esteemed mentors. Today, at Polaris, Dr. Cooper leads a renowned team committed to unmatched quality, comprehensive care, and patient satisfaction.

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