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Join Our Circle

Unlock exclusive access to our premium skincare and aesthetics treatments, personalized consultations, and members-only perks that are designed to elevate your beauty and well-being. When you become a valued member of our network, we will guide you on a transformative journey toward radiant and youthful skin.

Diamond Beauty Bank

$11/unit Tox ($2 savings per unit)
15% Savings on Skincare or Neutracuticles
15% Savings on All Services (excluding Tox, NEO, & EmSella)


3 Month Commitment Required

Platinum Beauty Bank

Discover a new you with our Platinum Beauty Bank Membership! Enjoy a $449 credit every month OR save up your monthly credit to use on your selection of treatments designed to help you achieve your aesthetic goals!


3 Month Commitment Required

BHRT Women

The BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) Women Membership is designed for women seeking to optimize their health, vitality, and overall well-being through personalized hormone therapy. PLUS savings on services, products, and MORE!


12 Month Commitment Required

Check Out Our Memberships

Reach out to one of our care providers to learn more about our current memberships.

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