Acne Scar Treatment
Columbus Ohio

Your journey to smoother, more radiant, acne-free skin begins with us.

Your journey to smoother, more radiant, acne-free skin begins with us. At Polaris Vein & Aesthetics, we know that we all want to look and feel our best. Our skin is our largest organ; taking care of it is an important part of self-care and aging gracefully. If you’ve suffered from acne or are still struggling, seeing a dermatologist to treat your skin can help significantly improve the appearance of your skin. If you’ve implemented a skincare routine that works for your condition and are left with acne scars that affect your self confidence, we offer a variety of treatments and services that can help. Acne scars can constantly remind you of challenging times for your skin, making it tough to feel truly confident about your complexion. But here’s the silver lining: Scar treatment options have evolved significantly in recent years, offering lasting hope to those dealing with persistent scars. At Polaris Aesthetics, we’re dedicated to the belief that there’s a scar treatment out there that can work wonders for every unique patient, skin type, and tone. We offer a wide variety of treatments to help target your specific needs.

Different Types of Acne Scars

Different Types of Acne Scars

There are many different types of acne scars. Chances are, if you have scars, you have more than one type of acne scar. Understanding the different types and how to treat them is an essential part of seeking treatment. Our expert team is here to help each patient better understand their skin type and assist them in treating their skin concerns with the best services to target their individual needs. 

  • Hyperpigmentation/Dark Spots: Dark spots and hyperpigmentation can happen for many reasons. Often hyperpigmentation is a result of the skin healing from acne and/or sun damage. It can also occur due to underlying health concerns like diabetes or hormonal changes.
  • Enlarged pores: Many skin factors can contribute to enlarged pores including oily skin, acne, genetics, the skin’s natural aging process, and gender (men often have larger pores than women).
  • Icepick scars: Imagine an ice pick tool – a stout shaft tapering to a sharp point. Now, picture a scar mimicking this shape – it’s essentially a depression, broad on the surface and gradually narrowing as it delves deeper into the skin. These scars are a common sight, yet they pose a formidable challenge when it comes to healing. Often, they appear on your forehead and upper cheeks, where the skin is naturally thinner.
  • Rolling scars: You’ll usually spot these scars on the lower regions of your cheeks and along the jawline, areas where the skin tends to be thicker. These scars exhibit sloping edges, creating an uneven and somewhat wavy appearance on the skin’s surface.
  • Boxcar scars: Boxcar scars are characterized by their distinctive sharp-edged appearance, as they extend deep into the layers of your skin. Frequently, these scars manifest on the lower cheeks and jawline.
  • Hypertrophic or keloid scars: These elevated scar formations project above the skin’s surface, resulting from the overgrowth of fibrous tissues, particularly collagen, in the affected skin area. Typically, you’ll come across this type of scar on the chest, back, shoulders, and jawline, sometimes accompanied by sensations of itchiness, tenderness, or even discomfort.

What Treatment Best Suits My Skin

There are many types of treatments that can help address your skin concerns. Book a consultation with our expert medical team to learn more about our services and the best approach to treat your skin.

What Treatment Best Suits My Skin?

Acne Scar and Skin Treatments

We have a great selection of services and acne scar treatments to help tackle your skin concerns. Read more about our services below.


Microneedling is one of our excellent services that can help with the wide variety of skin concerns from hyperpigmentation and acne treatment to large pores, and removal of fine lines and wrinkles. Treatments can also help tighten and lift loose skin for a radiant complexion and youthful appearance.

Laser Services & Acne Treatment

Laser Services & Acne Treatment

We offer both Discovery Pico and Evo laser treatments for acne scaring and skin concerns. Evo Elluminate treatments offer a comprehensive laser solution, targeting multiple layers of the skin in a single procedure. The result? Your skin emerges from the treatment looking not just even and radiant but also uniquely rejuvenated, unveiling a more youthful you. Elluminate laser is designed to offer greater comfort to the patient thanks to an integrated skin cooler within the fine tip design that targets the removal of your skin concerns fast and with unmatched laser precision. The amount of laser treatments you may need is dependent on each person’s individual skin and concerns. Speak with one of our medical experts about a treatment plan that’s right for you. Evo laser can help not only with your skincare concerns, but with a wide variety of other treatments such as laser hair removal.

Acne Scar Removal

Acne Scar Removal

Embarking on a journey towards the treatment of acne and scar removal is more than just a pursuit of physical transformation; it’s an endeavor to reclaim confidence and self-assurance. Acne scarring is a persistent reminder of past battles with troubled skin, and can weigh heavy on one’s self-esteem. They’re the footprints of a journey that was often marked by frustration and self-consciousness. But the decision to seek scar treatment for acne is a powerful declaration of self-care and self-love.

The treatment process is not just about erasing those scars; it’s a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. It’s about rediscovering the beauty that lies beneath those imperfections, recognizing that our experiences, scars included, shape who we are. It’s an act of empowerment, an assertion that we deserve to look and feel our best. Scar treatment, whether through advanced technologies and treatments or expert dermatological care, offer a path towards renewed self-assurance, helping us face the world with a fresh sense of confidence.

At every step of this journey, remember that you’re not alone. Many have traveled this road before, and together, we’re here to support and guide you towards achieving the clear, smooth, acne-free skin you desire. Your story is unique, and your journey towards acne treatment is a testament to your resilience and determination. Embrace it, celebrate it, and let it be a source of strength as you move towards a brighter, scar-free future.

Caring for Acne at Home

Caring for Acne at Home

Managing acne from the comfort of your own home can be an empowering journey. With the proper knowledge and skincare routine, you can make significant strides in addressing your acne. It starts with gentle cleansing and using the right products, specifically formulated to prevent acne breakouts and reduce the risk of long-lasting scars. Coupled with a consistent skincare regimen designed to target acne-prone areas, this approach can minimize the potential for scar formation. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to recognize the value of seeking guidance from a medical professional, particularly for persistent or severe cases. They can provide tailored treatment plans, recommend effective treatments, and offer expert advice, ensuring you receive the most effective care for achieving clearer and healthier skin, ultimately helping you regain confidence in your skin and your overall well-being.

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